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Managing Mental Health While Working FIFO

Managing Mental Health While Working FIFO

Working a Fly-In-Fly-Out (FIFO) job can be an excellent opportunity to make extra money while taking advantage of unique experiences. However, FIFO work comes with its own unique challenges. Long hours away from family and friends, lack of access to health professionals, and constant travel can all affect your mental health. Here are some tips on preserving your mental health while working FIFO.

Prioritise Self Care
Self-care is an integral part of protecting your mental health. Make sure you take time for yourself during your break or after your shift, whether reading a book, going for a walk, or simply taking some time to relax. It’s also essential to develop healthy sleep habits when travelling frequently and working long hours. Make sure you get at least seven hours of sleep per night and avoid using caffeine before bedtime if possible. Finally, make sure you eat healthy meals throughout the day—being away from home doesn’t mean you should skip meals!

Maintain Healthy Relationships
When working FIFO, staying connected with your friends and family back home can be difficult. That’s why it’s essential to prioritise maintaining healthy relationships even when apart. Try setting up weekly video calls with loved ones or scheduling regular texts or emails so that you stay connected despite the distance between you. Additionally, try meeting new people while on-site to foster another community.

Seek Help You Need It
If your mental health is suffering despite these efforts, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Many employers offer counselling services specifically tailored for employees who work FIFO jobs (including us!), and many online resources are available. Don’t hesitate to seek professional support if needed—your mental health is just as important as your physical health!

Working a fly-in-fly-out job has its perks, but it can also be taxing on your mental health if not managed properly. By prioritising self-care, maintaining relationships back home, and seeking help when needed, job seekers can ensure they keep their mental well-being in check while working FIFO jobs! Overall, being mindful of how best to preserve your mental health will guarantee success in this work environment!


If you’re struggling, please ask a loved one for help, or call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Lifeline also provides online counselling at www.lifeline.org.au

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